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Dear Readers, I hope you’re listening. Sincerely, A Concerned Creative
Mehari Sequar Gallery Mehari Sequar Gallery

Dear Readers, I hope you’re listening. Sincerely, A Concerned Creative

Artists use their artistic capabilities to predict, explore, and shape our future. They make the world vibrant and beautiful, but why does it seem like they often fall short when it comes to respect, recognition, and funding. Their contributions illuminate the human experience. You may not even realize the presence art brings to you daily, but it is easier to grasp when you think about a world without the arts. Let's do better and give them their flowers…

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a shared experience: one that Transcends borders, connects people, and fosters a deeper appreciation
Mehari Sequar Gallery Mehari Sequar Gallery

a shared experience: one that Transcends borders, connects people, and fosters a deeper appreciation

African art and African American art showcase differences in how they approach identity, culture, and representation of Black people. By acknowledging and appreciating these differences, we can gain a further understanding of the diverse artistic complexity, beauty, and resilience of Black individuals and communities throughout history and around the world.

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